Harnessing Nature’s Predators to Combat Pathogenic Bacteria
Our scalable Ag-tech solution protects crops, conserves natural resources, and enhances food security.

Help farmers around the globe with climate change challenges damaging their crops
BioArmix tackles agriculture's urgent issue: bacterial plant pathogens.
Our groundbreaking technological platform disrupts crop protection while championing sustainability.
By introducing our biocontrol agents, we mitigate the need for harmful chemical interventions, reducing the ecological footprint associated with conventional practices and preserving valuable resources by preventing the disposal of contaminated crops.

Population Growth
10B by 2050, driving up the food production by 50%

Hunger Increase

Plants make up
80% of our daily calories and 98% of our oxygen

Plants Health at Risk
Up to 40% of global crops are lost each year to plant disease and Insects
Join us in addressing the pressing challenge of feeding our growing global population.
As the demand for food escalates, so does the importance of safeguarding our vital calorie sources: plants.
Unfortunately, these crucial resources are constantly threatened by devastating losses in crop yields, largely attributed to the prevalence of plant diseases, with pathogenic bacteria posing a significant risk.
Harnessing Nature's Predatory Bacteria for Sustainable Solutions
Inspired by nature's predatory bacteria, we've developed a scalable Agtech solution that harnesses their power, enabling us to confront bacterial pathogens cost-effectively, sustainably, and risk-free resistance development.
Our GMO-free, naturally derived product is encapsulated with GRAS-authorized compounds, stable for years at room temperature while maintaining predators' full activity to consume the pathogens.

Our platform provides flexible applications across a range of crops utilizing diverse methodologies
Carriers for soil applications

Coating of tubers/bulbs

Irrigation enabled

Driving Change Towards a Resilient Future
Our solution addresses the immediate issue of bacterial diseases in potato crops and aligns with broader climate goals by promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
By minimizing losses and resource waste, our technology contributes to the larger global effort to combat Climate Change and Food Security, offering a tangible and eco-friendly solution within the complex web of agricultural and environmental challenges.
Looking ahead, we envision expanding its application into diverse areas beyond agriculture.

Expertise, Innovation, and Collaboration for Success
Meet our exceptional team, bringing unparalleled expertise and extensive backgrounds in industrial polymer utilization and symbiotic relationships between bacteria and agricultural pests.
Backed by regulatory specialists in agricultural biocontrol agents, our team boasts profound agribusiness knowledge and entrepreneurial acumen fortified by extensive networks.
Nestled within the Galil Ofek Innovation Incubator and affiliated with YDLabs Israel, a premier fermentation service provider supported by the Israeli Innovation Authority, we thrive within a robust R&D infrastructure and strategic partnerships. This multidisciplinary approach and ecosystem support position us uniquely to embrace and excel in this lucrative market opportunity.